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Every day pray that everyone you know will either become a Christian or influence others to become a Christian, and please share this online book with others -                       


Worship music - Please click the links and sing along if you know the words (You can also click skip ad to go straight to the songs) -


For Wednesday evening services, the Lord has lead me to do a Bible study for practical Bible verses in Luke. Please come back to these Bible lessons in order to review them and learn them. Whenever we have learned the meaning of Bible verses and think about them throughout each day, we will be in perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3). Not only that, but when we are in a situation in our daily lives and are tempted to sin, we can think back to what we have learned from the Bible and say to ourselves, "The Bible says to not do what I am tempted to say, think, do, and/or desire right now, so I am going to refuse to give in to this temptation." This is what Romans 12:2 means, and it says, "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." This is also the pattern that Jesus used when the devil tempted Him to sin in Matthew 4:1-11.

Chapter 22



My copy and paste feature doesn't keep the words that are supposed to be italicized, so instead of me doing it manually, refer to a Bible to see which words are italicized. ​


Luke 22:33-34

33And he said unto him, Lord, I am ready to go with thee, both into prison, and to death. 34And he said, I tell thee, Peter, the cock shall not crow this day, before that thou shalt thrice deny that thou knowest me. (Even though Peter was very confident that he would never deny that he knew Jesus, it happened three times. This shows that even the strongest people can chose not to identify with Jesus when they are under pressure to deny that they are a follower of Jesus. As you will see further along in Luke, Peter's mistakes didn't prove that he wasn't really a Christian, but it's very possible that someone can pray or make a decision to become a Christian and prove that they aren't really a Christian because they repeatedly (without it bothering them) deny that they are a Christian when they face violent persecution like Peter or are embarrassed to say they are a Christian because people might make fun of them, etc.)

If you have prayed or made a decision to become a Christian, but you have denied that you are a Christian, please follow this website -


If you have not prayed or made a decision to become a Christian, please follow this website -

If you have prayed or made a decision to become a Christian, but you are not sure you are really a Christian (Hebrews 11:6, Matthew 21:18-22, 1 John 5:14, and Hebrews 11:1), please follow this website -

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